We offer Yoga & Ayurveda in Europe & India
We are a traditional Yoga & Ayurveda School with a modern, integrative health approach. We aim to foster deep experiences of holistic health, compassion, humanity, and consciousness, with the ultimate goal of unveiling innovative practice tools to cultivate your individual well-being to benefit to this world.
“If we take responsibility for ourself – with a healthy discipline, needed shadow work and openness we will gain an insight which will give us peace, freedom, joy, love and wisdom to be there for us and all beings.”
Padmaja – Niramaya Yoga
“We have the tools. We have the path. We have the ability – with practice to have the insight. All we need to do is to begin. With one step, with one breath, we can commit to living our daily lives in a way that brings happiness and well-being to the planet, to our beloved communities, and to ourselves.”
Thich Nhat Hanh

Though Niramaya Yoga was officially founded in 2018 in India and Germany, as individual therapists and teachers we had been practicing and teaching Holistic Therapies, Yoga and Ayurveda for more than 20 years already. We wanted this unique and beautiful amalgamation of east and west coming to life in our newly merged Yoga & Ayurveda School. One can say that the birth of Niramaya Yoga was the result of the union of a traditional Indian Yogi and a modern Western Therapist-Yogini with a lot of experience and skills.
That’s why our students have the possibility to immerse themselves in a wonderful fusion of holistic health teachings, traditions and mythologies from both cultures. And therefore we are able to teach in English, German and Hindi.